Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chapter Three: Real Lemons


I took a step back from the fireplace, clapped my hands together a couple of times to rid them of dirt, and just stared. I cocked my head right, then left, set my hand on my hip and tried to eye what was before me with squinted eyes.

"Mom, I really don't think that old weed is going to make this room look any better. Mostly when you stuck it in a rusty coffee can." Danny put his hand on my shoulder, standing beside me and staring at the plant with a raised brow. I looked at him and then back to the mantle of the fireplace. Ok, so it wasn't the prettiest thing in the world, but it….oh who am I kidding it was a weed planted in a piece of trash!

"Well, we'll just call it art. Did you get the fridge cleaned out?" I knew it was probably cruel of me, but the kid could use the experience. Bullshit? Doubtless.

"I even took an old toothbrush after it. It is clean and mold free, as promised." I nodded, pulled off the tatty old ball cap from my head and ran my hand through my mussed hair. We had had breakfast at Sue's, taken with us a couple of doggy bags for lunch, but I was hoping to actually make dinner tonight. Of course that meant I would have to find a grocery store.

"Go and clean up the kitchen cabinets and counters really good for me, I'm going to head out to La Push and see if I can find a store. I might be awhile if I have to drive into Forks." He just patted me on my shoulder and stomped back off into the kitchen. It is funny how kids always forget we have ears when they are upset. Danny grumbled as he walked away.

So I was able to find a small store, though as with most small towns the selection was sparse. I had been able to get most of what I had wanted, what they hadn't had the nice older lady that ran the cash register promised they could order.

The only thing that they didn't have was the one thing I was really needing at the moment. I never knew that a store could actually run out of aspirin. The older lady, Mary, had directed me to the local pharmacy. Apparently locally owned by the reservations resident widower.

I piled everything in the bed of my truck and headed a little ways out until I saw the large wooden sign Mary had told me about.

Black's Pharmacy from the outside looked like all the other buildings on the reservation. It was rustic, built with heavy woods, remnants of red and white paint chipping off the large posts on the low porch. Though it was obvious that the building was old and in need of a bit of elbow grease, it had a very pleasant feeling about it. Almost calming, mostly with it being surrounded on almost all sides by towering green trees.

I parked my truck and hopped out, my eyes immediately going to the same old truck I had seen at Sue's the day before. Somehow here beside this quaint shop the truck succeeded in looking more classic than rundown.

When I opened the heavy wooden door to the pharmacy I was hit with the scent of vanilla and tobacco. It reminded me of the old pipe tobacco that my granddaddy used to smoke when I was a kid. It only added to the comfort of the place.

I had expected Widower Black to be in his late seventies, possibly early eighties. Cropped grey or white hair set atop a grizzled old face. His large eyes hidden behind thick bottle glasses. A white coat with a little name tag, and a voice rough with age. What I had not expected was a man, tall with long ink black hair and kind eyes.

Mr. Black smiled at me, just a sideways lift of the right side of his mouth. Though he did not wear the cowboy hat he had the day before, he still tipped his head at me.

"Good-day Ma'am, anything I could help you with?" His smile relaxed, but didn't disappear as he leaned on the counter of what appeared to be an old fashioned soda shop. I gathered myself from my shock enough to take at seat on the other side of the counter and take a quick look at the plain white board menu hanging on the wall.

"Lemon coke, and could I get a bottle of aspirin?" He stood up completely, his smile still in place as he grabbed a yellow box from behind him and set it on the counter. I watched him silently as he poured the coke syrup over a glass of ice and cut into a fresh lemon.

"Real lemons?" Ok, so that was rather obvious, but even the soda shop back where I grew up used store bought bottled juice.

"Only the best for my costumers. I grow them myself, along with a few herbs and vegetables." His voice was low, but not excessively deep. It was rough, as I had imagined, but not from age. The rasp sounded more like he had spent a few years smoking. He squeezed the lemon into the glass and added the soda water before handing it to me. I gave him a soft thanks, opened the box of aspirin and swallowed two.

"So I saw you at Sue's yesterday, you go there often?" He raised a brow at me while he used a towel to dry off the lower counter in front of him.

"Almost everyday. We've known each other for years, her husband and I grew up together." I nodded and took a long sip of my coke.

"So I guess you're from here then? What kind of place is this, I mean La Push and Forks? I've only met a few people, but they all seem pretty nice." He placed the towel down and walked from behind the counter in order to unpack a box of sleeping pills.

"Oh, I guess your typical small town. Quiet, everyone knows everyone else, and their business. But generally nice, if a little old fashioned." I turned around on my stool so I could see him better as he placed the small boxes on a shelf. My eyes passed over the name tag he wore, though I was sure he really didn't need one.

"B. Black, what does the B stand for?" He looked over his shoulder at me, his smile still shinning.

"Billy, and since we are talking about names, may I ask yours?" The way he looked at me I was sure he already knew, hell I was sure all of La Push already knew. I mean when I was at the store I hadn't had to introduce myself once, and yet everyone knew my name.

"Isabella Swan-Hunter, though you probably already knew that. But please, just call me Bella." He placed the last small box on the shelf and turned towards me.

"News travels real fast around here, I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad one, but everyone already knew your name and face the moment you left Sue's for the first time." I groaned, I already figured that would happen, but it was still a little annoying.

"What I don't know yet is where you're from." Though he phrased it more as a statement I knew he was actually asking.

"This time, Falcon, Colorado. Though I'm originally from just outside of Phoenix, Arizona. I've lived and worked on a ranch most of my life." I finished up my last couple of drinks of coke, pulled some money from my purse and looked up at him.

"So, how much do I owe you?" He gave me another smile, again the little lift of the side of his mouth.

"Two dollars, and no need to tip, I own the place." I gave him my own little smirk and a lifted brow.

"I wasn't going to." I placed two bills on the counter and stepped down from the stool, heading to the door.

"See ya around Billy." I heard his voice, rough and low saying a quiet 'Well yes Ma'am' as the old door slowly closed behind me.

"So I take it you found a store?" Danny stood in the doorway to the house, his arms crossed as he leaned against the frame. Sometimes he looked so much like his father it was frightening. James always did the same thing when I would come home. He would be leaning against the door frame, one leg crossed over the other with his arms wrapped limply across his chest.

When I was younger I had always thought it made him look sexy as all get out. It wasn't until I grew up and saw him for the lazy bastard he was that I realized just what that stance actually represented. Pure and complete arrogance. Thankfully for Danny it was simply a physical mimic of his father and not his attitude.

"Yes, I found a store. Now get out here and help me get these bags, the sooner we get them put away the sooner we can eat." Danny pushed off of the door frame and ran out to grab as many bags as he could. If there was one thing that could motivate that boy it was food. I wasn't looking forward to the day that I could add girls on that list.

Author's Note: Thanks again to Mist who took the time to Beta this, thankies Sugar! This chapter for some reason was a pain. I knew what I wanted, but it didn't want to come out right. So hopefully this sounds ok and not forced. More Bella/Billy interaction coming next chapter! :D

Disclaimer: Nope, don't own! Not Twilight and not Murphy's Romance.

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